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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Appealing To Your Prospects- Website Landing Page Design

By Ivan Andrianko

In order to effectively instill in your viewers the desire to buy your product with your website landing page design, you must help them visualize a current, or upcoming problem in their lives.

There is an effective way to do this and that's to bring into question their Eight Natural Desires and their Nine Learned Desires.

If you wish to successfully do this, you have to talk about a problematic situation to which your visitors will be able to relate to.

How can this be done?

Learn about descriptive imagery, or "Mental Movies".

The Formula goes as such:

1. Create tension

2. Tension contradicts desire in the viewer's life

3. Advertise what your selling as the solution to satisfy your customer's wants and needs.

Fact: People like reading testimonials that atest to the fact that your product is helpful, thus alleviating them from their stress that works against their desires.


Your content is only in text form. The things is that video is much more popular and helpful than just a landing page design that only contains text.

When someone visits your landing page, the only thing that is stopping your solid sales copy from making its points is the reader's will to patiently scroll through your text.

No matter how easy is to navigate through your page and how attractive your sales copy is, some people will simply run away at the sight of huge blocks of text and this way they won't even know what you're trying to sell.

They will most likely click off the page, and buy the first product which offered a video explanation on it's opt in page~The last thing you would want is to lose a visitor and him buying the same product from a competitor who unlike you, has a video on his landing page.~The worst case scenario would be you losing a visitor to a competitor who managed to the market and has a video on his

You will start having products that customers will never buy and only because you failed to adapt to what people actually like to see on a landing page design and that's a sales video.


Sure, you must be feeling a bit vulnerable due to a chain reaction that affects both the desire of a good living condition and your need to make a profit.

But fear not!

Luckily, the page that your looking at offers a quick fix solution that is easy, affordable, and already proven to work according to the people shown that are JUST LIKE YOU!That was also an example of a mental movie.

It worked through the use of descriptive imagery that showed you the problem and your brain automatically tried to build a scenario in your head in which you envision the prospect of having such a problem in a movie that features you.

It might be going through your head that you already know this.

But the truth is that people will copy what they see, rather than try to understand why it works.

We will copy shamelessly other people's actions but we will still be beneath them in terms of knowledge because, unlike them, we don't possess the capacity of understanding how it works.

We haven't arrived to the end point yet, as people's need for your product is not enough, you need to find the pays to make them act on their desire and buy it

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